It is our duty as education providers to make sure every child is given the opportunity to excel in this first stage of their education. The most effective way to ensure your child has that opportunity is to make sure they are in school as regularly as possible
At Rowlatts Mead Primary Academy we take pupil attendance very seriously and meet regularly with our Education Welfare Officer to discuss persistent non-attenders, those children whose attendance falls below 96%, who are monitored throughout the year.
Taking time off due to sickness would usually be recorded as authorised, as long as some form of evidence of this is provided. However, we have noticed a steady increase in families taking holidays during term time. This is something the school cannot authorise and these unauthorised absences may be subject to a financial penalty.
Punctuality also affects the overall percentage attendance of a child. If your child is regularly late in the mornings their attendance percentage drops each time. Not only does a child miss the beginning of the school day but it is equally important they do not lose the chance to meet with their peers and teachers, which helps set them up for the day.
During each academic year one day is allowed per child for the purposes of religious observance. Although the child will no longer qualify for 100% attendance it will be authorised.
Our aim here is to reinforce the message by reminding families about the importance of attendance and to hopefully strengthen the relationship between home and school.
Please feel free to come and discuss this with me.