At Rowlatts Mead Primary Academy, we believe in the importance of science: nurturing curiosity and creativity. Through a combination of investigative skills and practical activities, children will develop an understanding of the world in which we live, the journey of science and its importance for the future. We believe that building children’s science capital is vital to help broaden both experiences and opportunities for our pupils.
Science is commonly taught as part of each topic, although can be taught discretely when necessary.
Key Principles of Science:
Teaching and learning in science is successful at Rowlatts Mead Primary Academy when…
- Children experience inspiring science which engages and motivates them
- Children are catalysts in their own learning
- Lessons link to the children’s lives and experiences to build science capital
- All children can make new discoveries through practical investigations
- Children are able to use and apply scientific vocabulary and skills effectively
- There is a progression of skills across the school
- Cross-curricular links are made to deepen understanding
- Learning prompts as many questions as answers
- Blooms Taxonomy is used to stretch and challenge and to develop scientific reasoning
- Children have opportunities to work independently and collaboratively
- Our outdoor environment is used as an effective tool for learning
- A range of resources, such as IT, are used to enhance and support learning
Below is an overview of science taught at Rowlatts Mead Primary Academy:
Subject Leader:
Miss S Ahmed
EYFS have been planting beans linked to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They have learned how to take care of their beans and what plants need to grow in order to develop their understanding of the world. Pupils will take them home over the Easter holidays to observe how they change and grow over time.
Year 1 have used their scientific enquiry skills to investigate different materials by carrying out simple tests to explore which materials are waterproof. They began by conducting a scientist study on Charles Macintosh to learn about his ideas, experiments and journey within science. They then used this inspiration to conduct their own practical investigation!
As part of their living things and their habitats unit, Year 2 have been exploring and comparing the differences between things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive. The children worked scientifically by classifying various things into the three categories, suggesting reasons for their decisions and raising further questions.
As part of their rocks unit, Year 3 have been investigating the permeability of different rocks. Pupils compared and groups different rocks based on their physic properties and appearance. They set up a simple practical enquiry and carry out a fair test. The children made careful observations and used these to make further predictions and raise further questions. During their practical activity, they gathered data and reported their findings once they had completed their investigation.
Year 4 have been investigating how circuits work using practical equipment. They constructed simple series circuits and tried different components. Pupils worked scientifically by observing patterns and drawing conclusions from what they had noticed. After having experimented, pupils wrote down any questions they had formulated during the lesson which were investigated or researched in future lessons!
Year 5 have been investigating the solubility of different materials. Pupils learned key vocabulary such as dissolve, solute, solvent, solution and mixture and used these terms to explain what they had observed and why. They worked scientifically by measuring, observing and recording changes and creating further questions they would like to investigate.
Year 6 have been investigating the density of different liquids. Before their investigations, they formulated their own questions and made predictions, giving reasons for their decisions and making links to phenomena observed in real life. Pupils worked scientifically by choosing appropriate apparatus, observing the difference in density and analysing their observations.
The Eco-Committee have been working on three key areas to improve around school: waste, energy and healthy eating. These are three of topic areas for the Eco-Schools Award. The Eco-Committee have conducted an environmental review to reflect on areas to improve and what is going well. Pupils have carried out various project work such as creating signs to remind staff and pupils to switch off lights whenever they are not in use as well as being classroom monitors for energy saving! They also presented an assembly to the school to inform them about the importance of recycling and how to recycle paper and batteries in our school. To further encourage pupils to learn more, they have set up a recycling poster competition.
STEM club have investigated colours found in nature and they then used what they had learnt to research about other plants and flowers that are of similar colours. They discussed a variety of key questions, such as ‘would you find similar colours in all seasons?’ and ‘why are there so many bright/rainbow colours in nature?’
All pupils across KS2 participated in a full day of rotation activities based around animals and living things. The activities included mini-beast hunting, pond dipping, classifying living and non-living things, a knowledge session on pets we have at school. The children were also given the fantastic opportunity to handle exotic animals that were bought in by ZooLab.